A successful silent-film actor attempts to maintain his status as a Hollywood star when the movie industry transitions from silent film to...
Search Results
Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)
When a young Englishman encounters love-at-first-sight for the first time, he attempts to pursue its ultimate satisfaction—union with the woman he...
Metropolis (1927)
A young man from the elite class of a futuristic city attempts to create a fair and respectful understanding between his own social class and that...
Lost in America (1985)
An advertising executive who loses his job in a fit of self-focused righteous anger embarks on a motor-home-based vagabond journey to "find...
To Build a Fire (1908)
A man displays hubris regarding his ability to handle the forces of Nature as he attempts to reach a Yukon mining claim. Medium: Short Story (©...
The Cranes Are Flying (1957)
When a young Soviet man answers the call to defend his country in World War II, his girlfriend attempts to maintain dedication to his love even as...