A mutiny aboard a Russian battleship leads to events that stoke public anger and advance the likelihood of Communist revolution against the tsarist...
Search Results
Black Book (2006)
As World War II nears its end, a young Dutch Jewess attempts to survive amidst the cruelty of the Nazi occupation in its waning months. Medium: Film...
Ordinary People (1980)
A teenage boy attempts to find internal peace and resolution after a suicide attempt brought on, in part, by the guilt of surviving a boating...
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
A young boy attempts to hold onto a friendship that he forms with a creature from another planet. Medium: Film Writer(s): Melissa Mathison Director:...
Babette’s Feast (1987)
A pair of never-married sisters attempt to keep true to the religious teachings of their father and maintain the health and spirit of remote Danish...
Yesterday (2004)
A young Zulu woman perseveres nobly through the hardship of a personal AIDS diagnosis and attempts to make a significant difference in the lives of...