A mysterious young man who can perform genuine magic attempts to gain entry into a prestigious guild of illusionists whose abilities pale in...
Search Results
The King’s Speech (2010)
An heir to the British throne attempts to overcome a lifelong speech impediment so that he can perform his royal duties as leader of his people....
Variety Lights (1950)
An actor in a small-time variety troupe attempts to gain the success that he has long envisioned as his due—on the stage and in his love life....
Ordinary People (1980)
A teenage boy attempts to find internal peace and resolution after a suicide attempt brought on, in part, by the guilt of surviving a boating...
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
A young boy attempts to hold onto a friendship that he forms with a creature from another planet. Medium: Film Writer(s): Melissa Mathison Director:...
The Gold Rush (1925)
A likeable prospector in the Klondike Gold Rush attempts to survive the elements and pursue love. Medium: Film Writer(s): Charles Chaplin Director:...