A young Zulu woman perseveres nobly through the hardship of a personal AIDS diagnosis and attempts to make a significant difference in the lives of...
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Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
A young man from the slums of Mumbai attempts to achieve the life that he feels destined to live with the girl whose love he feels destined to...
The Count of Monte Cristo (1844)
A young man wrongly accused of political conspiracy and sentenced to indefinite detention in a political prison escapes and attempts to exact...
Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)
When a young Englishman encounters love-at-first-sight for the first time, he attempts to pursue its ultimate satisfaction—union with the woman he...
Metropolis (1927)
A young man from the elite class of a futuristic city attempts to create a fair and respectful understanding between his own social class and that...
The Cranes Are Flying (1957)
When a young Soviet man answers the call to defend his country in World War II, his girlfriend attempts to maintain dedication to his love even as...