Russ Tutterow Memorial
On July 13, 2015, friends and colleagues of longtime Chicago Dramatists artistic director Russ Tutterow came together at the Goodman Theatre in Chicago to honor him in testimony and song. It was a magical night of reminiscing and paying homage to a wonderful,...
Metropolis (1927)
A young man from the elite class of a futuristic city attempts to create a fair and respectful understanding between his own social class and that of the workers who toil below the city to make it work. Medium: Film Writer(s): Thea von Harbou, Fritz Lang (uncredited)...
An Energetic View of Wants and Intents
In storytelling, wants are to intents as potential energy is to kinetic energy in the physical world—they provide the potential for movement but are not sufficient by themselves to generate action in the story. For that, they transform into intents. Members-only...
Lost in America (1985)
An advertising executive who loses his job in a fit of self-focused righteous anger embarks on a motor-home-based vagabond journey to "find himself"—with his wife in tow. Medium: Film Writer(s): Albert Brooks, Monica Mcgowan Johnson Director: Albert Brooks Production...
The Playwright Purging Page
I have a conceit I've used on all my full-length plays. I add a page of text at the end that is my commentary on my play. This allows me to to share my vision of a moment or moments. Started by Bernard Rice on 2015-01-21 at 09:54 I have a conceit I've used on all my...
To Build a Fire (1908)
A man displays hubris regarding his ability to handle the forces of Nature as he attempts to reach a Yukon mining claim. Medium: Short Story (© 1908; Published first (an alternate version) in The Youth's Companion, v. 76, 1902) Writer(s): Jack London (1876–1916)...
Removing Clutter
When writing, I've wrestled with how to focus on some things (like a character) and not others. Recently, I read a writing book that said: The focus will be sharp, not because it is narrow, but because it is specific. Started by Bernard Rice on 2014-12-27 at 08:30 A...
The Cranes Are Flying (1957)
When a young Soviet man answers the call to defend his country in World War II, his girlfriend attempts to maintain dedication to his love even as she struggles with the effects of the war on her personal life. Medium: Film Writer(s): Viktor Rozov Director: Mikhail...