DSYS 101 Online Course
Learn a new way to think about stories, and master its groundbreaking principles as you use them to develop your current work-in-progress. Are you ready to take the leap? Have you had enough of wondering whether your story works—and if not, why not? Enough of the...
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
A man in desperate economic circumstances attempts to gain riches at any cost by partnering with two other men to mine for gold. Medium: Film Writer(s): John Huston Director: John Huston Production Co.(s): Warner Bros. - First National Picture Adapted from: The...
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
A stoic young bank executive who is wrongly convicted for killing his wife struggles to improve his lot and that of others in the terrible prison to which he has been sentenced. Medium: Film Writer(s): Frank Darabont Director: Frank Darabont Production Co.(s): Castle...
Paikea, Dorothy, and Katniss! Oh, My!
It cannot be denied that females are underrepresented as main characters in the world of mainstream stories. Can we understand and fix that? You bet. The Underrepresented Majority It cannot be denied that females are underrepresented as main characters in the...
M (1931)
In 1920s Berlin, the police department and criminal underworld attempt to find, capture, and remove from society a serial killer of young girls. Medium: Film Writer(s): Thea von Harbou, Fritz Lang Director: Fritz Lang Production Co.(s): Nero-Film AG Adapted from:...
Apollo 13 (1995)
With the help of ground-based mission engineers, an experienced astronaut leads the crew of an aborted moon mission as they attempt to return safely to Earth. Medium: Film Writer(s): William Broyles Jr., Al Reinert Director: Ron Howard Production Co.(s): Universal...
Profiling Your Characters
Putting together detailed profiles of your characters can help bring them to life in your writing mind, but doing so takes time and effort—which means less time to actually write. Is the effort worth it? It depends. Members-only Content This article is available only...
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
An idealistic young man who is installed temporarily in the seat of a recently deceased U.S. senator attempts to defend his patriotic ideals against the attacks of a powerful political machine. Medium: Film Writer(s): Sidney Buchman Director: Frank Capra Production...